Rinne Abrugena (b.1983) has a notable interest in the communicative value of painting as a means to express and visually interpret literary ideas or inquiries about human nature. As a reader of books with a background in education, Abrugena has a good grasp on the concept of articulation. This is rather fascinating, considering that her works have a clear tendency for abstraction.

As much as there is insight found in what she communicates, the manner in which Abrugena approaches the problem of transmission is just as interesting. The artist is more likely to ideas in terms of exhibitions, as opposed to doing so in terms of single works. This gives individual ideas a duality; on one hand they can be misleading, while on the other, it is able to dilute meaning for the sake of the dominant direction of the whole.

Rinne Abrugena graduated from the University of the Philippines, Diliman in 2011 cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts.  She currently lives and works in Manila, Philippines.